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Need Financial Help as You Live with Chronic Pain?

Pain is the body’s natural alert system, letting you know when something’s wrong. When that pain becomes so severe that everyday tasks are a hardship, it ruins your ability to work.

When you can’t work because of pain, Social Security Disability benefit checks provide welcome monthly relief for the bills that pile up, putting you on steadier ground.

Getting that relief is not easy. You can’t just tell Social Security you’re in constant pain. You have to prove that what you’re experiencing makes working impossible.

You could use someone who knows Social Security Disability in your corner. At Hanley Disability, you have a disability advocate who will keep you and your needs at heart.

Social Security Disability Is All We Do.

Our team of disability advocates has been helping people with chronic pain in Indianapolis, Danville, Franklin, Lebanon, Noblesville and all of Indiana for more than 45 years. In fact, now you call us for help no matter where you are across the Midwest and the United States.

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Once you’re denied benefits, the clock starts ticking. Don’t wait too long. You might miss the deadline to appeal.

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Two Hanley Disability attorneys

What Conditions Cause Chronic Pain?

Constant pain is a symptom of many debilitating illnesses. Social Security recognizes several as qualifying for disability benefits.

Pain is the core characteristic of some health problems. This includes complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), also known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome (RSDS). Social Security has provided guidance on getting benefits with this ailment since 2017.

CRPS usually is caused by an injury, often to an arm or a leg, that then spirals into a chronically painful condition. The pain can be far more intense than the injury would suggest. It can make the injured area sensitive to touch, and the pain can spread to other parts of the body.

Chronic pain can also come from:

Injuries or illnesses that impact your head, neck or back can also cause constant pain. Pain is a common symptom among many eligible health problems.

It’s a clearer path to Social Security Disability benefits if you can show you have an eligible condition, but you can still get the financial relief as long as you prove that your chronic pain exists, regardless of your diagnosis, and keeps you from working.

At Hanley Disability, we can take a look at your case and help you find the best way forward when dealing with Social Security. Let us help get your life on a better path.

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How Does Chronic Pain Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits?

To win Social Security Disability benefits, you have to prove how your chronic pain has upended your life.

You will need to present hard, fact-driven medical documentation of your condition, including:

  • Exam reports
  • Diagnosis
  • Symptoms
  • Lab tests
  • Medical imaging
  • Medications
  • Records of treatment you’ve undergone

One step is to check whether Social Security lists your health problem in its “Blue Book” of ailments it deems eligible for benefits. If so, you can find additional details there about proving your particular impairment.

Don’t worry if you don’t see it. It’s possible your chronic pain could still be eligible given its impact on your everyday life.

Using your work history, statements from friends, family, and coworkers, and treatments, medications, and other medical evidence, your task is to show how your pain keeps you from earning a living, or what Social Security calls “substantial gainful activity.”

This includes showing Social Security you can’t do your past job, you can’t do another job, and that all indications are your condition to last at least a year.

All of this collecting and sorting—while managing your pain—can be a lot for anyone to handle alone. You don’t have to. At Hanley Disability, our advocates will walk with you through the entire process.

If you live in Indiana and struggle with life-changing pain, give our advocates a call today. We’ve helped thousands of people through the process of getting disability benefits. We can be there for you.

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