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Indianapolis woman in need of disability benefits Indianapolis woman in need of disability benefits

From Initial Applications

Through All Levels of Appeal

When you face a disability, it can feel like you’re in a crisis with little hope. You don’t know how you’ll support yourself and your family financially. You don’t know what to do, or where to turn.

Then you encounter the process for seeking disability benefits, and it just adds anxiety.

The system is incredibly complicated. It’s easy to feel lost. You need someone to back you up and give you confidence. Hanley Disability is here to make applying for Social Security Disability as easy as possible for you.

If you’re applying for the first time, let us help with your application. If your claim was denied, let us help you appeal. No matter where you are in the process, contact our office for help.

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Benefit from Our

Social Security Disability Claims

We make it our mission to know all the rules, including differences between applying for Social Security Disability (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and when you can apply for both.

National statistics show your chances of success at a hearing can improve by 50 percent if you work with a professional advocate.

With more than 45 years of experience in Social Security Disability, Hanley Disability has in-depth knowledge of the system. Our entire staff applies deep knowledge and experience to help you get the benefits you deserve.

Call us now to schedule an appointment and get started.

Whether you need to apply or appeal, Hanley Disability wants to help you.

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    Indianapolis man needs help filing Social Security Disability application

    Filing a Social Security

    Disability Application?

    We can help!

    The number one thing you need to know is that meeting the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) strict definition of “disabled” can be difficult.

    The SSA will only consider you “disabled” if:

    • You can no longer perform work you used to;
    • A doctor or other medical professional deems you unable to perform other work because of your medical condition(s); and
    • Your physical or mental condition has lasted or is expected to last for at least one year or to result in death.

    Let Hanley Disability help prove your disability to the SSA.

    Call us today
    FOR help applying »

    Need To Appeal

    Your Denial?

    Contact our office right away! Under Social Security’s rules, you have only 60 days to file your appeal. Getting denied on your first attempt is normal, so don’t be discouraged.

    The process to appeal can be very complicated and time-consuming, but it’s still possible for you to win benefits. The clock is ticking so don’t delay in filing your appeal if you’ve received a denial letter. Call us today for a free consultation of your disability claim.

    At Hanley Disability, we know the process and can file a Request for Reconsideration on your behalf. If your Request for Reconsideration is denied, we can request a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). If an ALJ denies your case, we can present your case before the Social Security Administration’s Appeals Council.

    Discuss My Appeal »

    “I would like to take the time to send you a big THANK YOU! You are all the very kindest people that I have ever met. I was, and am amazed at how you are for the people! I wish you all the very best in all that you do! I just wish there were more lawyers like you, Frank, and the world would be a better place. Take care of that back of yours, as I will mine.”

    - One of our clients
    HOW WE

    Hanley Disability offers a FREE evaluation of your case and will discuss your options with you. Let us make a difference in your life.


    Need Help Preparing

    for Your Hearing?

    Indianapolis woman begins the disability application process

    If you know you have a hearing scheduled, you should start preparing immediately. This is also the best time to get experienced help from a disability representative.

    Hanley Disability has helped thousands of people in Indiana with their disability cases. We has over 45 years of knowledge and experience in Social Security Disability and will:

    • understand your impairments
    • analyze your Social Security file
    • prepare your case
    • obtain important evidence such as medical records
    • prepare your testimony
    • question witnesses
    • make helpful legal arguments before and during the hearing
    • cross-examine any medical and/or vocational experts who testify at your hearing
    • file appeals in a timely manner  (if necessary)
    • represent you at each stage of  your claim

    Don’t risk going to your hearing alone. We’ll meet with you face-to-face before your hearing to help you to prepare. Social Security’s own statistics show you have a higher chance of winning benefits if you get help from a disability representative.

    What Does It Cost?

    Hanley Disability doesn’t charge you anything unless you win your case.

    The Social Security Disability system is designed this way to make sure you can afford help during a difficult time. Mr. Hanley and his team believe strongly that the system should give you free access to representation up front.

    When you do win benefits, the fees you pay come out of past-due benefits starting from the date you officially qualified as having a disability under Social Security Administration rules.

    The most you will ever pay is 25% of those past benefits, nothing out of your pocket.

    Contact our office today
    to discuss your case! »
    Indianapolis couple fills out free disability consultation form
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