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You received a notice of cessation of disability benefits from Social Security. That means Social Security wants to stop paying you benefits that you may be relying on to keep your life steady and peaceful.

A Social Security Disability cessation means Social Security has decided you no longer need benefits, likely because they think the health problem you won benefits for no longer stops you from working.

What can you do to hold on to this financial lifeline?

You can appeal the cessation.

If you receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, you must argue that you are still unable to work. If you receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI), you must be unable to work plus have limited financial resources.

The Indiana disability advocates at Hanley Disability have more than 30 years of experience with the Social Security Disability system. We prepared this page to help you better understand what happens in a cessation of disability benefits.

Our Indianapolis team of disability advocates helps people in Danville, Franklin, Lebanon, Noblesville, everywhere across Indiana—and around the country.

For any disability benefits questions, get in touch with us.

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Reasons Why You Might Face a Cessation of Disability Benefits

A regular part of the Social Security Disability system—a continuing disability review (CDR)—is one way you can end up with a disability benefits cessation.

A CDR is a periodic check to see if your medical impairments continue to leave you unable to work—in other words whether you still qualify for benefits. These reviews may happen every three years or seven years, or over longer periods.

Most of the time, CDRs don’t result in ending your benefits, but they can. If the review determines your health has significantly improved, you may lose benefits.

These are some of the most common reasons you may face a disability cessation:

  • The disability judge who awarded you benefits called for your eligibility to be reviewed after a short time, and the review resulted in terminating your benefits.
  • Social Security decided to scrutinize your claim, which it could do any time.
  • Your disability claim underwent a routine CDR after you received benefits for several years, and the CDR concluded your benefits should end.
  • You’ve been working and earning more money than the “substantial gainful activity” allowed by Social Security for you to qualify for disability benefits.
  • For SSI benefits, you have gathered new financial assets that put your total resources above the SSI limits.

For SSDI, “substantial gainful activity” means working and earning more than $1,350 per month (as of 2022; the numbers typically adjust each year).

For SSI, you run afoul of the financial requirements for disability benefits if you earn more than $841 per month (as of 2022) or acquire assets that put you above a $2,000 limit for property or investments.

You should know, however, that not all types of income and not all types of assets or property count toward your limits. Your own home, for example, is exempt from the calculation.

If you’re having issues with your disability claim, , and you need to talk to someone about it, talk to the experienced disability advocates at Hanley Disability.

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What Can I Do About a Disability Cessation?

It’s not unusual to get a cessation of disability benefits reversed. In fact, it’s often easier than applying for benefits in the first place, or appealing an initial denial of benefits.

These are the primary paths you can take:

  • Appeal the cessation decision and ask to have your benefits continued in the meantime. (You must submit this request within 10 days of your cessation notice.)
  • Appeal the cessation without asking for a continuation of immediate benefits. (You have 60 days to file this.)
  • If you’re feeling well enough and ready to return to work, you could stop receiving benefits and re-enter the workforce.

Be careful about asking for benefits to continue while you challenge your cessation of disability benefits.

If you’re ultimately denied, and your disability benefits stop, you may have to pay back the money you received in the meantime.

When you’re appealing a cessation of Social Security Disability benefits, you’ll start by filing a form asking for a reconsideration of the decision.

A hearing officer at the Indiana Disability Determination Bureau may review your claim. If they don’t reverse the cessation, you could go to a hearing with a Social Security administrative law judge.

Similar to appealing a disability denial, you could also take your appeal to Social Security’s Appeals Council, or federal court, if needed.

If your appeal of your disability cessation case reaches advanced stages, you may need help presenting the strongest possible arguments for keeping your benefits.

To learn more about your options in a disability cessation—so you can preserve benefits that help keep you afloat—ask the disability advocates at Hanley Disability.

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