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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a complicated, confusing condition that hinders your ability to function. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits may give you the leeway you need to focus on your health.

Benefits include monthly checks to help you cover your basic expenses. So if chronic fatigue leaves you unable to work, you can still hold on to a measure of peace and stability in your life.

But getting benefits for CFS can be tricky.

You have to make your case to Social Security that you can’t work at all. With chronic fatigue, a condition without a known cause that can’t be tied to any another condition, applying for Social Security disability takes special care.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) says they won’t award disability benefits based on you alone telling them about your exhaustion and inability to restore your energy.

You have to prove that your fatigue makes it impossible to work, using types of medical evidence Social Security will accept.

But you don’t have to do it alone. In Hanley Disability, you have an advocate who will help you every step of the way. In fact, Social Security Disability is all we do.

We’ve been helping people in Indianapolis, Danville, Franklin, Lebanon, Noblesville and across Central Indiana for more than 45 years.

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Once you’re denied benefits, the clock starts ticking. Don’t wait too long. You might miss the deadline to appeal.

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How to Prove to Social Security You Can’t Work with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Makes Work Impossible

Chronic fatigue doesn’t fall under Social Security’s main list of impairments that can qualify you for disability benefits . But the SSA has issued special rules for evaluating CFS cases.

Social Security relies on a definition from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to describe chronic fatigue as, “a syndrome that causes prolonged fatigue lasting six months or more, resulting in a substantial reduction in previous levels of occupational, educational, social or personal activities.”

Sometimes medical professionals also refer to this condition as chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS) or myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME).

Before you can get a diagnosis of chronic fatigue, doctors have to rule out other possible conditions that could be causing your symptoms.

This is what you must show to Social Security:

  • Your disease is new, or had a clear starting time. (In other words, you haven’t always had it.)
  • Your fatigue isn’t from over-exertion.
  • Rest doesn’t help.
  • Your symptoms can’t be traced to other medical or psychological conditions.
  • Your daily functioning is significantly reduced.

To document this, you must provide evidence such as doctor reports on the history of your condition, results of physical exams, results of mental exams, blood tests, MRIs or other medical imaging.

And in addition to showing that you have CFS, you must also demonstrate how it stops you from working.

This evidence can come from testimonials from people who know you personally about the impact your fatigue has on your everyday life. You could get statements from family, friends, neighbors, clergy, counselors, teachers and past employers.

It’s a lot of legwork. And you’re already struggling with your energy level. But a disability advocate can gather all of this material for you and help you present it to Social Security.

Hanley Disability knows how to help Hoosiers make their best case for life-changing disability income.

You can start working with our team of disability advocates by getting a FREE evaluation of your SSD claim.

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Indianapolis couple over the age of 50 happy after winning disability benefits

Symptom of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome that Can Qualify You for Disability

All the evidence that you provide above will describe the symptoms you have and how they are debilitating for you.

With chronic fatigue syndrome, Social Security says symptoms like these could be a part of your claim for disability benefits:

  • Malaise that lasts more than 24 hours after exertion
  • Memory impairment
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Tender lymph nodes
  • Joint pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Muscle weakness
  • Sore throat
  • Headaches, especially when you experience new types
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Unrefreshing sleep
  • Vision problems
  • Lightheadedness or dizziness
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Heart palpitations
  • Nausea or other abdominal discomfort
  • Bladder problems

You can see that CFS has many effects, and if you can document several of these, you may have a strong claim for Social Security Disability benefits.

Other people might not be able to see or understand your health problems when you have an “invisible” condition like CFS, but at Hanley Disability, we’d like to help you reach a more secure place in your life.

We believe in giving you the dignity and respect you deserve.

In Indiana, talk us about Social Security Disability benefits for chronic fatigue syndrome.

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